Libraries and Museums
Carleton F. Burke Memorial
201 Colorado Place
P. O. Box 60018
Arcadia, CA 91007-2604
(818) 445-7800, FAX (818) 574-0852
in-state (800) 573-2822
email library: vivian@ctba.com
email general information: info@ctba.com
The Cox Library
On-line reference library
based in England
Marion du Pont Scott Sporting Collection
Special Collections Department
University of Virginia Alderman Library, 2 East
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
email mssbks@virginia.edu
Keeneland Association
Keeneland Race Course
Versailles Road
P. O. Box 1690
Lexington, KY 40592-1690
(606) 254-3412, (800) 456-3412, FAX (606) 288-4348
Kentucky Derby Museum
704 Central Ave
P.O. Box 3513
Louisville, KY 40201-3513
(502) 637-1111, FAX (502) 636-5855
email info@derbymuseum.org
Kentucky Horse Park
Kentucky Horse Park
4089 Iron Works Pike
Lexington, KY 40511-8400
(606) 259-4723, FAX (606) 259-4212
email khp19@mis.net
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C.
Researchers' Information (202) 707-6500
John A. Morris Memorial Library
Gluck Equine Research Center
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40546-0099
(606) 257-1192, FAX (606) 257-8542
email ghale@ca.uky.edu
National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Ave
Beltsville MD 20705
National Archives and Records Administration
the National Archives Building
700 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20408
Also various regional branches
The National Horseracing Museum
Tours 99 High St.
Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 8JL
(01638) 667333, FAX (01638) 665600
The National Sporting Library
P. O. Box 1335
301 W. Washington St.
Middleburg, VA 20118-1335
(540) 687-6542
National Steeplechase Museum
200 Knight's Hill Road
Springdale Race Course
Box 2424
Camden, South Carolina 29020
(803) 243-0948
C. W. "Doc" Pardee Memorial Library
P.O. Box 41774,
Phoenix, AZ 85080-1774
(602) 942-1310, FAX (602) 942-8225
Prince George's County Library, Maryland
Bowie Branch Library, Selima Room
1010 Northeast Crain Highway (rt 301)
Bowie, MD 20716
Show Jumping Hall of Fame and Museum
Kentucky Horse Park
4089 Iron Works Parkway
Lexington, KY 40511
Texas A & M University Equine Sciences Program
Dept. of Animal Science
Room 249
Kleberg Center
College Station, TX 77843
(409) 845-4320, (409) 845-7731, FAX (409) 845-6433
Peter J. Shields Library
West Quad Street between Peter J. Shields Ave.
and Hutchison Drive
University of California, Davis 95616