Foundation Sires focuses on the early stallions that shaped the thoroughbred breed. There is a chronology of the earliest known and imported Oriental stallions; an alphabetized index of early stallions, and an illustrated alphabetized description of 17th to 19th century foundation sires, each of which has his own biography.
Leading Sires is a series of charts providing a chronologic listing of champion sires in various countries, including their sires and dams, family numbers and where they stood at stud.
Sire Line Charts trace the descent of winners of important races in various countries from the foundation sires: the Byerley Turk (portrait here ), the Darley Arabian (portrait here ), and the Godolphin Arabian (portrait here ).
A similar series of charts, sire lines of Horses that Jump, traces the descent of top steeplechase and show jump winners in tail-male from the foundation sires. There is also an illustrated essay on the thoroughbred Roots of Modern Show Jumpers, with supplemental essays looking at the thoroughbreds behind champion show jumpers and Olympic competitors.